About this Blog

Okay, so here’s the deal: not long ago (in Heart Health month, no less) I started on my journey as ORC’s Mystery Mover. Since then, I have been chronicling my transformation from gym-class zero to gym-class hero. I am happy to share a few excerpts from my journal in the hope that it inspires a few others out there like me (or at the very least stirs up a little compassion)!

Saturday 21 July 2012

My Hips Dont Lie, Part 2

I am not a scientist, a fitness expert or a personal trainer. But I can still tell you one absolute truth about fitness: if you slack off in the summer, drinking white wine and eating chips by the dock, you will certainly feel and see it.  I know this from the direct and extensive personal experimentation that I have undertaken on behalf of all my friends and readers. No, no, don't thank me. I am just doing what I can. Have you read about that personal trainer in NYC who gained 75 lbs just to lose it again as a demonstration to his clients that it can be done?? Yah, I'm not really like that. But, back to the gym twice this week and as soon as that leftover peach pie is done, it's all going to be good. I think.

Friday 13 July 2012

Summer Lovin'

That's right, I have a summer crush. Don't be alarmed though, it's just the gorgeous pool at the ORC. How great is it that I bought pool passes for the kids for the hottest, driest summer on record?? Things normally work in the exact opposite way for me! The pool rocks - clean, warm, lifeguards, lots of pool noodles. Only two misgivings go through my brain as I lounge in the shallow end with my non-lifejacket wearing youngest child: 1) best to go either before or after the crazy camp rush. At exactly 2:30, a whole parade of happy, loud, energerized kids come in to take over the pool and have a blast. 2) Why the heck didn't I register my kids for summer camp at the ORC so they could be part of the parade?? Next year baby...

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Uh Oh...

Okay, I'm now getting scared about how I'm going to keep up my work out routine over the summer. School is out for 9 weeks and 2 are already gone. I can't believe how fast the time is passing and how my best intentions are passing right along with it! I've been at the cottage and very active (it's pretty much impossible to be at the cottage with 3 busy children and a flight of 60 stairs between the water and the cottage without being active!), I have been missing the gym. So, back in town this week and back at the gym. SO happy to have gone today although I must admit, I was feeling my absence, especially in my legs. Oh, and two people moved away from me on the treadmill so I'm guessing my "cottage" hygiene is somewhat lacking!!

Thursday 28 June 2012

Summers Here!

Yeah! Took one look at that sparkling blue water today and promptly bought summer pool passes for my kids! I'm so excited to take them - they will be in watery heaven! And for $50 a person? BEST deal I've seen in a while. WAY cheaper than any daycamp I've seen and way more fun. Finally, looking forward to school ending :) And just in time as the little darlings are done tomorrow!

Sunday 24 June 2012

Nap vs. Gym

So here's the debate that was going on in my head this afternoon while all the kids were occupied and I had an hour to myself: "nap or gym, nap or gym, nap or gym. Nap....wait, recall the fiasco trying on bathing suits last week? Ok, gym." Gym won. And it felt sooo good. Came home all sweaty and invigorated to a messy, noisy, house and all was well with the world!

Friday 1 June 2012


I had three useful thoughts today at Zumba (in addition to many non-useful ones). First, I realized that me trying to follow Annie is like a toddler trying to do the highjump - you need to learn to crawl, then walk, then do ridiculous things with your body. So I spotted a young woman to follow who could totally do the moves but was not nearly as fast or amazing as Annie (is anyone?). I followed her and actually could semi keep up! Secondly, as long as you're moving your hips and arms with a spanish flavour (picture Marc Anthony's back up dancers), no one can really tell that you're totally lost! And last, while the songs are mostly in Spanish and I have no clue what's they're saying, I distinctly heard the word "tequila" in that last one. Aha!

Friday 25 May 2012

Do you think there is such a thing as dance dyslexia? Because if there is, I think I must have it. But I thought I at least looked the part in zumba today with a new, flowing shirt. No zumba pants yet for me though...not sure all those zippers would look as cool going in the wrong direction and at the wrong pace. Someone could lose an eye :) !